Skin - Glowing skin
Mix fresh milk with lemon juice.apply on the face and make smooth massage on removes the dust on u r face.try it daily for normal skin.
Mix honey,lemon juice,&vegetable oil.apply the face will make the skin glow,good moisture for dry skin.
Egg use- oily skin- white licvied. dry skin- yellow licvied.
Mix Lemon juice with olive oil for 15mins. Try it 3 or 4 times in a week. It will work 100%.
Wash your face with coconut water,it will leave your face clear and gives you a glowing skin.
Apply cucumber juice on face for clear skin and raw potatoes slice on face to remove black rose water on face for fair gives 100% result.
Take some fenugreek seeds and powder it finely and mix it with fresh curd and apply to your face,neck or to your whole body this works wonder tanned body and helps your skin to glow....
Allow badam nuts two or three to soak overnight and in the morning make it into fine paste .pour 3-4 table spoons of fresh milk.allow it to stand for ten min and then apply to face and other exposed areas.if u can,give massage to allow ur skin easier to sink with badam paste.leave for 30 it weekly.u will recognise a dramatical change.
Mix glycerin , rose water and lemon juice , apply and leave for the night . It will 100% work .
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