8 natural beauty tips from your kitchen

are creations of nature. There is nothing ‘ugly’ among nature’s
creations. The judgment of grades of beauty lies in the vision of the
viewer. You look beautiful and radiant only when your inner beauty
surfaces. This inner beauty is gained through yoga, meditation and the
use of
natural beauty enhancers.
Here are some natural products found in your kitchen that can be used as beauty aids:
To make your skin glow
Grate raw coconut and squeeze milk out of it. Apply this milk over your lips and face. It adds grace and glow to your skin.
Cleansing the skin
Dip a piece of cotton wool in unboiled milk and wipe the face with it. It cleans unseen dirt a.
Skin moisturizer
For normal skin, mix 1 tablespoon orange juice and 1 tablespoon lemon
juice in a cup of yogurt, to make a paste. Apply it on face as a mask
and keep it on for 15 minutes. Then clean it off with a wet tissue. This
mask enhances the complexion and glow of face.
Nourishing the skin
A protein mask help to nourish your skin. Soak a teaspoon of urad dal
and 5-6 almonds overnight. Grind this to a fine paste apply this protein
mask on face and wash it off after half an hour. This mask nourishes
the facial skin and also enhances the complexion.
Preventing wrinkles
Application of pure castor oil prevents wrinkles and softens the skin. This slows down the aging process
Home made conditioner
Mix one tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of cream. Apply this
mixture on the face and wash off after a few minutes. It works wonders.
Removing skin pigmentation and marks
Rubbing a raw potato on face removes marks and pigments.
Sunscreen lotion from kitchen
Prepare a homogenous mixture of cucumber juice, glycerin and rose water.
Apply this mixture on face. This mixture can be refrigerated.